
Exploring the Universe


Students will be learning about the marvels of the night sky. They will go on a beautiful journey where they will going to learn about the beauty of celestial objects out there. In this session, students will explore the entire universe and will get an insight view of the objects which are out of our solar system.
Exploring the Universe

The Space Vehicles


The Space Vehicles Travelling to space is the future will be an essential thing, and the only vehicle which can make it happen are ROCKETS! In this session, students will learn about how rockets are the sole gateway to space. They will be learning about the three laws of motion on which rocket works, its parts, stages and fuels. They will learn how we can enjoy rocket launching from home with demonstration and activities.
The Space Vehicles

Cosmic Distances


A child often finds it difficult to estimate that how far is our school from home, so if we tell them about the distance between Sun and Earth, they might not be able to understand. In this session, we will be discussing with students about how far are objects are in space and the vast distances involved in astronomy. We will cover various units of distances used in space like AU, light-year parsec etc. and how astronomers measure them.
Cosmic Distances

Celestial Occurrences


Have you ever wonder how an eclipse occurs? Astronomical events like eclipses, elongations, transits, occultation, and conjunctions occur when celestial objects align in a certain way. In this session, students will understand the geometry of eclipses, occultations, elongations and transits. Students will also learn to witness and capture them. This session helps students become better observational astronomers.
Celestial Occurrences

Stars and their Life Cycle


Human beings go through various life stages, such as childhood, adulthood, old age etc. Stars also have a life cycle in someway similar to us. In this session, we discuss the complete lifecycle of different categories of stars and how we see all these stages in the sky. We will understand stages of each type of stars, small, medium and more massive than our sun. We also cover their spectacular deaths, during which stars can become a red giant, a planetary nebula, and even some cases supernova, which leads to the formation of black holes.
Stars and their Life Cycle

Eratosthenes Experiment


We understand that simple experiments can sometimes lead to significant advancement in science. Students will learn about the measurement of the earth by Eratosthenes and calculate the circumference of our planet using it. Students will learn how even simple tools can help in measuring the circumference of the earth.
Eratosthenes Experiment

Introduction to Space Missions


We often wonder how satellites/spacecraft are sent to space. Is it only the rockets which play a crucial role, or is there more to it? Students will understand the space mission planning and execution in this session. What is the path used to reach the Moon, or the Venus or the Mars? How to achieve such vast distances in which little fuel in outer space? What orbital manoeuvres spacecraft have to make at critical points? Session also covers thruster burning at apogee and perigee.
Space Missions

Astronomy and its Gifts


Space sciences and astronomy has been a blessing to humanity in a lot of ways. It has made our life more comfortable, and we don't even realise it. In this session, students will learn about the inventions that were made developed in the field of space science but now being used in our daily life directly or indirectly. This session helps students realise that space is our future, and involves them in it.
Astronomy and its Gifts

Smartphone Astronomy


As the mobile phone has become the part of everyone's pocket and is an inevitable part of our daily life, we should take maximum help of it in understanding astronomy and space sciences. How to use your phones to learn astronomy and space sciences, this session will brief you about the several applications like star gazing apps, solar system app, astrophotography apps and space sciences apps etc.
Smartphone Astronomy

Stargazing from Urban Sky


Students will learn about the basis of stargazing. Students learn to use Stellarium for stargazing. This session will discuss the bright constellations and the various celestial objects that can be see-through city sky, how to identify them and some common ways to align themselves with the sky with the help of directions. Students would become urban astronomers.
Stargazing from Urban Sky


Meet Your Instructor(s)

Astronomy Educator Himanshu Gautam

I have always wanted to know more, explore more and learn more. When I started teaching Astronomy and Space Science to students, it was like, I was meant to do this. There's so much to learn and explore in the field of Astronomy. When I held telescope for the first time in my hands, I knew that it is going to be an amazing journey. Watching Moon and rings of Saturn made me very happy. It has been a great journey so far. When I see the same enthusiasm on student's face, it feels me with soo much pride and excitement that I just want to give all to the students I educate on Astronomy. I want to do the justice to this role.