Club Structure

iAstronomer is an online year-long extracurricular astronomy club. This club shall be a life long association with the curious young students who decide to begin their journeys towards being amateur astronomers. Club equips the students to explore the cosmos.

How does

iAstronomer club work? 

The Space Astronomy Club: iAstronomer has a total of 3 categories i.e. for school students, college students, individual/adults, in every category you have 48 live astronomy sessions at every week, live doubt clearing sessions, events/competitions/virtual tours/talks every month. You will get access to International Astronomers Alliance – an exclusive astronomer’s community.


Who is this

iAstronomer Club for?

Firstly, No, Astronomy club is not just for people who want to go into this to practice their skills. It’s the best place for anyone who wants to generate new skill, make a career in this field, pick up their hobby and passion, connect with professional and build a strong base of science and stand out from the crowd. That is exactly what this club gives you in every way possible. 

College Students: Build your astronomy skills from ground up and increase your chances for internships, work on national/international projects, get recommendations, make it easy for companies to find you and make yourself stand out.

School Students: Grow your skills and perform hands-on science from your home. This is the perfect age to take up astronomy and follow your passion and pursue the path towards becoming astronomer, scientists, engineer, astrobiologists, astrophotographer etc. and fulfil your love for science.

 Individual/Adults: Get in touch with others in the field, build your personal brand, become an entrepreneur in the field and switch to better jobs, take up your hobby of stargazing, research and complete your dream project.


What You Will Learn

In iAstronomer Club?

The iAstronomer Club is designed to teach you purely astronomy to empower you in this field and develop all the skills an astronomer must-have for their career, curriculum and our approach is to train you in everything hands-on.

You will not find any other, value for money club like this. Yes, no other astronomy club like this exists and we are the pioneer organization in our method, mode and technique to deliver the best in-class learning experience.

  • Learn sky navigation, observation techniques & methods, planning and sighting an astronomical event in the sky.
  • Capturing techniques, learn your constellations, stars, planets, galaxy, nebulae’s and the universe as a whole.
  • Learn using and handling of various tools and equipment's used to perform scientific study and research.
  • Learn to bring the best out of your photographs using image processing techniques.
  • Develop teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills while doing the projects and events.
  • Participate in events from around the globe and get certificates from NASA, NASA-JPL, IASC, IAU etc.


Note*: The curriculum and structure designed will be executed as per your age group and level of understanding.


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Some glimpses of our digital camp & club




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Frequently asked questions

If you still have more questions, please email us to: (Give us 12 hours to respond back). Our awesome support team will get back to you.

  • What are the timings?

    iAstronomer club meetings/sessions are held on weekends. Timings are usually between 10 AM to 1 PM on Sunday mornings and 3 PM to 7 PM on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Exact timings and day will be notified upon joining. Once you enrol you will receive all the schedules and documents with necessary details.

  • Would there be any certificate?

    Yes! You will receive a certificate on various competition of the club as well as every competition/events/projects certificates will be awarded based on associated organisation like NASA, IAU, IASC etc.

  • Will the weekend classes be live?

    Yes, all 48 astronomy based sessions for the year will be live interaction sessions by an educator. Plus you'll have extra classes every month for doubt-clearing, events, projects and competitions.

  • Is it compulsory to pay for the entire year?

    No, you do not need to pay for entire year if you choose our monthly subscription as you can unsubscribe at any moment.

  • What comes in monthly subscription plan?

    With your monthly subscription of iAstronomer every month you are getting 1 session/week by an astronomer, doubt clearing session, sky this month task, participation in national or international event, group projects, DIY activities to do at home, E-handouts, software, Apps and certificates based on assignments and tasks.

  • Where will the astronomy sessions take place? is not just a website, it is our platform which will be revealed after you enroll into the club under my dashboard section where all your amazing stuffs will be provided from live classes, events info. , assignments, games , software etc.

  • I made a payment but did not receive any email?

    Please write to us : or whatsapp us at: 9311377223. We will get back to you under 12 hours.

  • I've a full time jobs/classes/work, not sure if I can make it. Will you be sharing recordings?

    Yes! You will receive recording of activities, demonstration and classes, which you can watch in your free time. There will no recording of competitions/events/tours etc. on our platform.

  • Will the events, competitions and projects included cost extra money apart from subscription?

    You only have to pay monthly subscription and nothing else, every thing else as promised is included. No hidden cost!

Our Success Stories


  • Observing projects suited to your skill levels.

  • Earn reward badges as you accomplish quests in the course.

  • Covers complete fundamentals of Astronomy.

  • Never miss as astronomy event in the sky with our monthly discussions on the sky and observing projects.

  • Develop leadership skills as well as skills for working as an effective team member.

  • Get involved in public outreach of astronomy with a goal to make a difference in the community.

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